
Items by: Adventsource

Thunder Island VBS Craft Station | Spanish

Thunder Island VBS Craft Station | Spanish

Cada día los niños crearán algo nuevo que les recordarán del Punto de Poder. • Día 1: Acuario de la Bahía de la Tortuga • Día 2: Tesoro de Ópalo • Día 3: Portarretratos de camaleón • Día 4: Juguete giratorio colorido • Día 5: Ave colorido de la Isla del... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Prayer Station | Spanish

Thunder Island VBS Prayer Station | Spanish

En esta estación, los niños experimentarán formas creativas de orar y descubrirán la alegría de orar y pasar tiempo con Jesús. Esta estación les brinda a los niños la oportunidad de orar por sí mismos y por los demás. • Día 1: Pesca de medusas con promesas, Cadena de tentáculos... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station | Spanish

Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station | Spanish

En esta estación, los niños escucharán historias del evangelio de Juan. Las actividades y las preguntas sugerentes harán que los niños disfruten la historia de cada día y les ayudarán a relacionarla con el Punto de Poder. • Día 1: La mujer del pozo • Día 2: El hombre en la... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Opening/Closing Program | Spanish

Thunder Island VBS Opening/Closing Program | Spanish

Los niños se reunirán aquí al comienzo de cada día para aprender nuevas canciones con movimientos y descubrir los Puntos de Poder y el Versículo Clave. En el programa de cierre, los niños repasarán lo que aprendieron y tendrán la oportunidad de marcar la diferencia a través del proyecto... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.99
Thunder Island VBS Director's Guide | Spanish

Thunder Island VBS Director's Guide | Spanish

Esta Guia del director está diseñada para ayudarle a planificar un programa divertido y exitoso para iglesias de cualquier tamaño. Incluye un bosquejo de la temática junto con información detallada sobre cada estación. También encontrará ideas para reclutar y capacitar voluntarios,... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.99
Thunder Island VBS Snack Station

Thunder Island VBS Snack Station

Kids will experience the Power Point through healthy and creative foods. This VBS features easy, fun snacks that require minimal resources. • Day 1: Banana Dolphins in the Sea • Day 2: Under the Sea Treasure Mix • Day 3: Veggie Coral Reefs • Day 4: Sandwich Stars • Day... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Game Station

Thunder Island VBS Game Station

Kids will experience the Power Point through fun and interactive activities. This VBS features easy, fun games that require minimal resources. • Day 1: Fill It Up, Show Jesus’ Love • Day 2: Cross the River, Valuable Treasure • Day 3: Acceptance Freeze Tag, We Belong No... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Craft Station

Thunder Island VBS Craft Station

Each day kids will create something new that reminds them of the Power Point. • Day 1: Turtle Bay Aquariums • Day 2: Opal’s Treasures • Day 3: Chameleon Frames • Day 4: Beach Ball Twirlygig • Day 5: Thunder Island Rainbow Bird

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Prayer Station

Thunder Island VBS Prayer Station

At this station kids will experience creative ways to pray and discover the joy of praying and spending time with Jesus. This station gives kids an opportunity to pray for themselves and others. • Day 1: Promise Jellyfishing, Jellyfish Tentacle Chain • Day 2: Pearl Discovery, Pearls of... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station

Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station

At this station kids will hear stories from the gospel of John. Activities and thought-provoking questions will engage the kids in each day’s story and help them tie it to the Power Point. • Day 1: Woman at the Well • Day 2: Man at the Pool of Bethesda • Day 3: Jesus’... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Opening/Closing Program

Thunder Island VBS Opening/Closing Program

Kids will gather here at the start of each day to learn new songs with motions and discover the Power Point and Key Verse. At the closing program kids will review what they learned and have an opportunity to make a difference through the mission project. • Day 1: Jesus loves me.... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.99
Thunder Island VBS Director's Guide

Thunder Island VBS Director's Guide

This Director’s Guide is designed to help you plan a fun and successful program for any size church. It includes a basic overview of the program along with detailed station information. You will also find ideas for recruiting and training volunteers, publicizing your program, staying... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.99
Social Justice and Signs of the End PDF Download

Social Justice and Signs of the End PDF Download

This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about signs of the end time. Each week there will be different topics relating to signs of the end time. The Increase of Knowledge Social Justice and Increase of Wars Social... [Show more]

  • Price:$0.99
Helping Hand Award Requirements & Activities | Spanish

Helping Hand Award Requirements & Activities | Spanish

These Level 4 awards are created for kids who are in fourth grade. You will find everything from Basket Maker and Geologist to Caring Friend and Weather. Your Helping Hands will love doing these hands-on activities while completing the requirements to receive their awards. If you have older kids... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
Sunbeam Award Requirements & Activities | Spanish

Sunbeam Award Requirements & Activities | Spanish

These Level 2 awards are created for kids who are in second grade. You will find everything from Handicraft and Whale to Friend of Nature and Acts of Kindness. Your Sunbeams will love doing these hands-on activities while completing the requirements to receive their awards. If you have older kids... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
Busy Bee Award Requirements and Activities | Spanish

Busy Bee Award Requirements and Activities | Spanish

These Level 1 awards are created for kids who are in first grade. You will find everything from Artist and Friend of Animals to Potato and Swimmer. Your Busy Bees will love doing these hands-on activities while completing the requirements to receive their awards. If you have older kids completing... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States