2 fully scripted PowerPoints—can be divided into 2, 3, or 4 presentations Fully editable These presentations are in 4 sections that cover: God’s creative, drawing love Fruitful living and Christian standards Staying the course in trials Growing steadfast in faith Ideal to... [Show more]
2 fully scripted PowerPoints—can be divided into 2, 3, or 4 presentations Fully editable These presentations are in 4 sections that cover: God’s creative, drawing love Fruitful living and Christian standards Staying the course in trials Growing steadfast in faith Ideal to... [Show more]
Español 2 PowerPoints con guión completo: se pueden dividir en 2, 3 o 4 presentaciones Estas presentaciones están en 4 secciones que cubren: 1. El amor creativo y atractivo de Dios 2. Vida fructífera y normas cristianas ... [Show more]
Español 2 PowerPoints con guión completo: se pueden dividir en 2, 3 o 4 presentaciones Totalmente editable Estas presentaciones están en 4 secciones que cubren: El amor creativo y atractivo de Dios Vida fructífera y normas cristianas Manteniendo el rumbo en las... [Show more]
Español El programa Viviendo Libre - Deja la Nicotina es un programa de estilo de vida de diez sesiones diseñado para ayudar a las personas a dejar de fumar, ¡para siempre! Combina elementos educativos, inspiradores y motivacionales junto con un enfoque de estilo de vida agresivo... [Show more]
EspañolEl programa Viviendo Libre - Deja la Nicotina es un programa de estilo de vida de diez sesiones diseñado para ayudar a las personas a dejar de fumar, ¡para siempre! Combina elementos educativos, inspiradores y motivacionales junto con un enfoque de estilo de vida agresivo... [Show more]
Español Este práctico y resistente cuaderno incluye la tapa y los separadores y pestañas etiquetados, así como la guía del facilitador y los materiales de la sesión. Es una excelente manera de mantener sus materiales organizados a medida que dirige sus... [Show more]
A majority of Americans use caffeine in some form every day. This PowerPoint presentation examines the dangers of caffeine addiction and what you can do about it. It also takes a refreshing look at the benefits of drinking water. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will... [Show more]
The Living Free Quit Nicotine program is a ten-session lifestyle program designed to help individuals quit smoking—for good! It combines educational, inspirational, and motivational elements along with an aggressive lifestyle approach to detoxifying, rebuilding, and... [Show more]
We are living in times of increased stress and uncertainty. Betrayals and failed relationships cause a loss of trust. In the midst of trouble, there is hope: there is One who will comfort, guide, and strengthen. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email... [Show more]
No matter how you roll, dip, or pinch it—tobacco is bad news. Most people who smoke want to quit—but how? Up in Smoke gives you 7 tips for taming a tobacco habit—and stopping for good. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email... [Show more]
With health-care costs soaring, learn easy, inexpensive tips for reducing illness, improving mental and physical health, and lowering your risk for overweight and chronic diseases. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download... [Show more]
How can a vegetarian diet help you beat chronic disease, boost mental function, and build maximum nutrition into your food budget? The Vegetarian Edge helps you see how easy it is to eat for better health. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email... [Show more]
Are we entertaining ourselves to death? What is the impact of too much media on the developing and adult brain? Find out how to experience true refreshment and relaxation in a media-crazed society. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with... [Show more]
While there is no “magic bullet,” no single cause or cure for cancer, there are certain categories of nutrients and foods that help prevent and fight cancer—and increase self-care for those in a cancer battle. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will... [Show more]
The foundation of heart disease has an unexpected link with inflammation. The fires of inflammation can be tamed with lifestyle strategies within your reach. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an email with download instructions. NOTE: Sales of... [Show more]