This Quick Start Guide for Prison Ministries is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended... [Show more]
Do you want to become a prayer warrior? Do you want to connect with prayer partners for support and claiming God’s promises? Do you want to cultivate a spirit of praise and thanksgiving in your church? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this book is for you. Read this... [Show more]
Pathfinder Games & Events provides simple solutions for Pathfinder leaders looking for fun activities for their club. Over one hundred games and activities promote good sportsmanship, Bible knowledge, and practical application of Pathfinder skills. This book contains step-by-step instructions... [Show more]
The Adventurer Leadership Growth curriculum is designed to provide Adventurer Club leaders with advanced leadership training. It includes units on leading the Adventurer Club team, Adventurer parents and caregivers, Adventurer Club children, and the Adventurer Club. Also included are units... [Show more]
How to teach and lead a biblical class par excellence. Simply discipleship is about following and serving Jesus. This book makes it easy for you to teach with determination, to prepare to teach, and to present the lesson. The author establishes a plan that can follow anyone who feels the call to... [Show more]
Women are the backbone of the church. In the North American Division women comprise nearly 60 percent of church membership and serve in every department of the church. Women’s contributions are vital to the mission and success of the church. An active women’s ministry in the local church... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Church Treasurers is full of important information to help treasurers get started. Includes information about the treasurer’s duties, caring for tithes and offerings, receipting, banking, confidentiality, budget planning, the importance of financial reviews, and... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Adventist Community Services is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Disabilities Ministries is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Adult Sabbath School Facilitators is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting... [Show more]
This Quick Start Guide for Children’s Church is full of important information to help you start or revitalize a ministry at your local church. This guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions,... [Show more]
Beginnings and Endings features calls to worship, invocations, prayers, and benedictions for different occasions. Some invocations invite all platform participants to join. Others invite youth and children to participate. Special readings provide a non-threatening way for shy children or adults to... [Show more]
It is time for God’s families to celebrate love! Jesus helped us see that love for God and our neighbors is at the heart of God’s commandments. Love in human relationships is so crucial, yet so often it is in scarce supply. This planbook will assist pastors and family ministries leaders... [Show more]
Footprints for Kids is a unique 24-lesson small group Bible study course designed for children. It guides children to build their relationship with Jesus, share Him with their friends, and invite Him to be their Lord. This course includes 24 lessons, step-by-step instructions, outlines, activities,... [Show more]
Footprints for Parents & Mentors is a unique 12-lesson small group Bible study course designed for adults who want to mentor the children in their lives. It guides parents and mentors into a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ and equips them to spiritually nurture children. This... [Show more]
The twelfth in a set of twelve study guides in the Footprints for Parents & Mentors series. The seminar leads adult participants through discussion and training on how to be quality Christian mentors to the children and young people in their lives. $4.95 per package of 10 study guides.